• 歡迎來到小羊學院 Welcome to Lamb Academy



    Embark on the Light of the Bible
    Cultivate the Seed of Faith

    我們總部設立在菲律賓的馬尼拉。在這個資訊交融的時代,我們是一支致力於為非英語國家4-16歲孩子提供深度聖經教育的團隊。 我們是網上聖經學院,一個將信仰與知識融合的引導者。
    About us
    Our headquarters are located in Manila, Philippines. In this era of information convergence, we are a team dedicated to providing in-depth Bible education for children aged 4-16 in non-English-speaking countries. We are an online Bible academy, a leader in integrating faith and knowledge.

    我們的使命是為年輕一代創造一個深奧的學習空間, 讓他們在探索聖經的同時,培養真理品格、全球勝任力, 成為具備MCS-K特質的孩童。我們追求在虛擬學堂中, 引導孩子們發現屬靈的奇蹟,啟迪他們信仰的光輝

    Our Misson

    Our mission is to create a profound learning space for the younger generation, enabling them to explore the Bible while cultivating truthfulness, global competence, and becoming children with MCS-K qualities. We aim to guide children in discovering spiritual wonders in the virtual classroom, illuminating the brilliance of their faith


    M代表著使命(Mission)。我們深信,認識自己的榮耀身份是個體成就的根基。每個孩子都是獨一無二的存在, 擁有獨特的天賦和使命。我們的使命不僅在於傳授聖經知識,更在於引導孩子們認識自己的獨特之處, 激發他們對生命目標的理解和渴望。為實現個人目標和為他人帶來積極影響奠定堅實基礎

    M represents Mission. We deeply believe that understanding one's glorious identity is the foundation of individual achievement. Each child is a unique existence with special talents and a mission. Our mission is not only to impart biblical knowledge but also to guide children in recognizing their uniqueness, inspiring their understanding and desire for life goals. This lays a solid foundation for achieving personal goals and bringing positive influence to others.


    C代表品格(Character)。我們相信,通過對聖經深入的理解,孩子們的品格得以升華。 聖經中蘊含著深刻的道德教誨和行為準則,這成為培養孩子們品格的瑰寶之源

    C represents Character. We believe that through a deep understanding of the Bible, children's character is elevated. The Bible contains profound moral teachings and behavioral guidelines, serving as a precious source for cultivating the character of children

    S代表服務(Service)。我們堅信,一顆謙卑的心是提供服務的先決條件,正如基督為門徒洗腳的榜樣。 通過對聖經教義的理解,我們鼓勵孩子們以謙卑之心迎接他人,主動為他人提供服務

    S represents Service. We firmly believe that a humble heart is a prerequisite for providing service, just as Christ set an example by washing the disciples' feet. Through an understanding of biblical teachings, we encourage children to approach others with humility and actively provide service to others

    K 代表國度願景(Kingdom Vision),小羊學院的學生為未來神的國度而奮鬥。 我們期待他們懷抱著全球宣教的心志,積極為神的國度做好充分的準備。 我們透過英文教學,敞開孩子們的視野, 使他們更廣闊、更開放地完成人生的使命和服務